February Demonstration etc …

The next demonstration will be on Friday 11 February from 8.00pm to 10.00pm in Market Hill Rooms.  The artist will be Paul Alcock, and his subject will be a “Still Life in Oils”.  He lives in Essex and is a former semi-finalist (2018) in the “Sky Landscape Artist of the Year” competition.  There’s more information about Paul, with examples of his work, on his website.  See below for guidance on Covid restrictions at the meeting as recently advised by our Secretary Peter Morgan in an email to RAS Members which also contained the following details of our February events.

Although the Government has now relaxed the rules regarding Covid-related restrictions, for the time being we are still strongly recommending mask-wearing and social distancing at our events.

Earlier in January Members should have received Richard Clayton’s email “The way forward post-Covid” and his invitation to respond to a questionnaire.  The questionnaire remains open and there is no deadline for responses, so if you haven’t already responded please consider doing so.  It’s a valuable opportunity to tell us what you think of our current activities and what we should be doing in future, and will help the Committee with its forward planning.  Here’s the link: Royston Arts Society Members Questionnaire

Members should also have received two important emails, with invitations to renew your RAS membership for 2022-23 (deadline for renewals 31 March), and to enter the 2022 Members’ Online Exhibition (deadline for entries 31 March).  Eligibility for the latter will of course depend on having renewed your RAS membership!

The next Tuesday afternoon practical session will be on 15 February from 2.00pm to 4.00pm in Market Hill Rooms.  See above for guidance on Covid restrictions at the meeting.

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