Royston Arts Society Painting Sessions

We get 15 – 20 members at our painting sessions, ranging in ability from relative beginners to professional artists. They all bring along their own materials and something to paint; usually a photograph. There is no formal teaching, but our members learn new techniques and find inspiration from the work of other members.
The tables are arranged in groups so that people can choose who they wish to sit with or whether they prefer to paint by themselves. Some people spend more time chatting, others more time painting. We pause for a cup of tea at around 3.00pm which gives everybody a chance to see what others are doing and to socialise.
We also occasionally run a session that includes either a “mini workshop” where an artist shows off their particular approach to a subject or a “still life” for people to paint. Members attending these sessions can either take part or they can do their own thing – it is up to them!
RAS members are entitled to attend as many painting session as they wish without further payment. We encourage members to bring along non members as guests. They will be charged £4.00 for each painting session they attend.
The painting sessions are held in Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill, Royston SG8 9DU (map) between 2.00pm and 4.00pm on the First and Third Tuesdays of most months. We do not hold any painting sessions in August and only one session in December.
There is parking nearby that is “free after 3pm”. So members arriving shortly after 2.00pm only need to pay for 1 hour parking.