Royston Arts Society Library Exhibition

Royston Library Exhibition

Since the late 1980’s, we have been running a small on-going exhibition of RAS members paintings in Royston Library, Market Hill, Royston, SG8 9JN (map). The four original display screens were donated in memory of RAS Member, Ian Gavine, but these were replaced in 2014 when the library was refurbished.

The exhibition runs throughout the year and we refresh it on a monthly basis. RAS members can bring along the framed paintings that they would like to exhibit on the first Monday of each month between 3.15 and 4.00pm (or the first Tuesday if the Monday is a Bank Holiday). There is free car parking nearby.

There is no charge for hanging paintings in the Library Exhibition but the library will charge 20% commission on all sold work. It is up to the artist to check if/when a painting has sold and to collect the cash from the librarian.

We ask all the artists to change their work frequently to ensure that the Library Exhibition is refreshed on a regular basis. This encourages the general public to come along to see what new paintings have appeared.

We have room for about forty paintings. To give everybody a chance to hang their work we encourage members to bring along:

Up to four “small” paintings; up to A4 size
Up to three “medium” paintings; up to A3 size
Up to two “large” paintings; up to A2 size

All paintings must meet the same requirements that we have for our other exhibitions. Click below to find out more.

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