Royston Arts Society

An Old Rocker in Oils
Rodney Kingston

Market Hill Rooms
14 March 2025
Please note the time – 7.30 to 9.30pm
Entry £4.00 on the door
Free for RAS Members

Join RAS now and get up to 15 months for the price of a one year subscription

Benefit from up to an extra six painting sessions, three artist demos and the opportunity to exhibit at the Library Exhibition if you join RAS before 31st March 2025.

Affordable art by RAS members – all talented local artists
Refreshed every month
For sale on the spot
Open Monday to Saturday

Established in 1978, we are one of the leading Art Societies in the North Hertfordshire and South Cambridgeshire. Our members include beginners, more experienced amateurs and professional artists. We use the full range of media for our drawings and paintings.

We offer our members a variety of art related activities including painting sessions, artist demonstrations and exhibitions as well as providing regular news about local art-related activities. Our members come from towns and villages within 25 – 30 miles of Royston. They include relative beginners and experienced amateur or professional artists. We all like to share our enjoyment in creating art.

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