Royston Arts Society
Annual General Meeting 2024
The 2024 AGM was held in Market Hill Rooms on 16th January 2025. The event included a painting competition, a raffle and some lovely refreshments.
The Chair went through the the RAS events and activities during the year. He highlighted the very successful Autumn Exhibition and the Artist Demonstration programme. There were also a few areas that were less successful especially the 2024 online RAS Members’ exhibition. These will be addressed by the new Committee that was voted in at the end of the meeting.
RAS members were invited to bring along a painting that featured “A Winter Scene”. After the meeting, everybody voted for their favourite.
The winner was Peter Morgan and he was presented with his prize by the RAS Chairman.
We also had a “free to enter” raffle and this was won by Susan Sanders
Many thanks to the members who attended the AGM and contributed to the discussions. The Committee is sure that our members will enjoy the events and activities planned for 2025!